Several amino acids have been implicated as
neurotransmitters in the CNS, including
acid (GABA), glutamic acid, glycine, and aspartic acid.
Of these, we know the most about the role of GABA. It
was the first amino acid to be established as a
neurotransmitter in vertebrate and invertebrate nervous
systems. GABA is synthesized in nervous tissue by the
alpha decarboxylation of glutamic acid in the presence
of glutamic acid decarboxylase (Fig. 17-8).
GABA has usually been described as an inhibitory
neurotransmitter and may function primarily in this role
in the CNS. It is unusual among amino acids in that it
is produced almost exclusively in the brain and spinal
cord. Its importance is evidenced by its wide
distribution, which has been estimated to include up to
one-third of all CNS synapses. The possibility exists
that all of the inhibitory cells of the cerebellar
cortex are "GABAergic." This includes the Purkinje,
stellate, basket, and granular cells. G ABA is also
suspected to operate as an inhibitory neurotransmitter
in the cerebral cortex, lateral vestibular nucleus, and
spinal cord. Chemical analysis has also established the
presence of G ABA in the colliculi, diencephalon, and to
a lesser extent, the pons, medulla, and much of the
cerebral cortex. GABA produces inhibition by
hyperpolarizing membranes through increased CI- and K
ion conductance. Glycine, another amino acid
transmitter, is also suspected to be inhibitory through
the same mechanism. Interestingly enough, glutamic acid,
the GABA precursor which chemically differs from it by
having two rather than one carboxyl groups, is
considered to be an excitatory rather than an inhibitory
transmitter. Aspartic acid also appears to be an
excitatory transmitter in the spinal cord gray matter.
It appears to be associated with interneurons and may
oppose the inhibiting action of glycine or
GABA-releasing inhibitory interneurons. The formation of
these amino acid transmitters from TCA cycle
intermediates is illustrated in Fig. |